Republic of Mauritius- MRC proposes the Research and Innovation Bridges Funding Scheme



GIS – 21 June, 2019: The Mauritius Research Council (MRC) operates a number of research and innovation schemes in a bid to influence the direction of technological innovation by funding research and innovation projects in areas of national priority and by encouraging strategic partnerships. It has, to this end, launched a “Call for Proposals’’ for its Research and Innovation Bridges funding scheme.

The ‘Research and Innovation Bridges’ scheme expands the Research/Industry Partnership so as to establish sustainable joint venture opportunities for the Mauritian companies through bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Under this scheme, the Research and Development Working Group (RDWG), co-chaired by the MRC and Business Mauritius, in collaboration with the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation, invites collaborative applications from consortia of companies, research organisations and academic institutions from Mauritius and partner countries for innovative, collaborative research and development projects with commercial potential.

This scheme emphasises on commercial application of innovative concepts/projects emanating within the proposed bilateral/multilateral framework. The objective is to pursue the commercial application of any new or improved products, processes, and/or techniques developed so as to stimulate innovation and business growth. Moreover, under the Research and Innovation Bridges Funding Scheme, an approved project may be awarded a matching grant of up to Rs 10 million for a project duration not exceeding 24 months.

RDWG encourages synergism in the proposed research and innovation project where a multi-disciplinary team approach is required. The ‘Research and Innovation Bridges’ aims to combine the strength of all participating entities by coupling entrepreneurial skills to high technology research efforts, with the uttermost goal of developing innovative products, processes, and/or techniques for commercial competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises.

Project proposals will be accepted in the areas of industry-oriented research that will enhance socioeconomic benefits. Proposals will have to be in line with the list of priority areas identified and communicated by the RDWG, and must contain innovative concepts with a view to sharpening the competitive edge in line with the agreed principles of sustainable development.

The MRC is currently accepting applications under this scheme and the deadline for the submission of application under the current cycle is Friday 30th August 2019. Details of the scheme are available on the MRC website.

Government Information Service, Prime Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius. Email:  Website:  Mobile App: Search Gov


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