Une lettre de l’ambassade de Russie



L’ambassade de Russie à Maurice a adressé au mauricien.com une lettre en guise de droit de réponse à notre article « Les liens Maurice-Russie se renforcent tout comme les soupçons d’ingérence en Afrique » .

 » I am quite surprised by mere assertions referring to the western media about Russian interference in the affairs of some African countries, specifically produced in the article of the electronic version of the newspaper dated 13 June and intended to enlighten the embassy reception on the occasion of the National Day of the Russian Federation. First, it seems to be completely irrelevant within the context of the subject. Secondly, the USSR and Russia have incontestable political authority in the majority of African countries considering their determining role played in decolonization. This fact obviously annoys some stakeholders in the West whose opinion is being expressed by certain mass media. These forces cannot accept that the world has ceased to be unipolar and to the fact that Russia, China and many other countries “dare” to come out in favor of a fairer international relations based on equality and mutual interests ruling out dictatorship of power, political blackmail and economic sanctions.

It is also rather surprising that the respected journalist of your newspaper has chosen British mass media as “a verity herald” while Great Britain is presently manifesting most unfriendly spirit towards Russia. And it seems that not only towards Russia…

Concerning the matter of interference. Mr. Robert Muller, the US special prosecutor, spent two years and millions of dollars to prove Russian interference in the US elections and “President Trump’s conspiracy with Russia ». So what do we have as a result? The mountain has brought forth a mouse. He has not been able to find any convincing evidence as nothing of the kind ever actually happened. The assertions about so-called Russian interference in the African affairs is the same sort of invention. We do admit that Russia aspires to secure its influence in Africa but only with the view of mutually beneficial cooperation in the interests of the further development of the continent, for the sake of strengthening of friendly ties and mutual understanding between nations.

As for Mauritius, our economic relations have not been developing very actively so far. You know that the main trade partners of the island are considered to be France, Great Britain, USA, India, China, South Africa and others. We do not seek to compete with them. In any case, it is not possible. We only try to find out the fields of cooperation where Moscow and Port Louis could interact successfully.  »

NdlR :
 Nous soulignons que l’ambassadeur dans son allocution à l’occasion du Russia Day a largement évoqué les solides relations qu’entretiennent la Russie et l’Afrique, de même que le rôle que joue Maurice comme centre financier destiné à faciliter les investissements de la Russie vers l’Afrique.

Pour les reste nous avons voulu contextualiser ces relations Afrique/Russie par ce qui est généralement dit dans la presse internationale. Il n’y avait évidemment aucune intention malveillante. Nous espèrons que l’ambassade de Russie nous donnera l’occason de partager sa vue sur ces questions afin de meiux éclairer nos lecteurs.


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Le Mauricien

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