Every Sphere of Life is about GROWTH….Be it your Health, Wealth, Career and Deeply Satisfying Relationships.
It is but Natural for anyone to want a more Enriched Life!
Are you Truly GROWING?
Are you Truly Living a Life that is Enriched? Productive? Fulfilled?
A mere Paradigm Shift will take your life from the Ordinary to the Extra ordinary!
We Teach YOU about YOU. “Road to Riches” is a 4-Day Workshop that will empower you to Create Positively Enriched, Growth Oriented Paradigms for a Happy & Successful life, for you and your family.
Day: Monday to Thursday.
Date: 18th to 21st February, 2019.
Time: 4pm to 7pm
Price: Rs 7000.00
Venue: Life Success Coaching
72, Avenue Sodnac, Quatre Bornes. Mauritius.
Contact No.: (+230) 57893499
MQA Approved and HRDC Refund for Companies
Click the Link below to learn more and to Register!
https://dheejay.typeform.com/to/bxSkU8 “Change is life is inevitable but Personal Growth is a Choice” – Bob Proctor
#SubconsciousMind #Mind #Paradigms #Success #Thinkandgrowrich#LawofAttraction #Lifestyle #Positivethinking #Lawsofnature #Universe#Growth #Personaldevelopment #Personalgrowth #TheSecret#TheScienceofgettingrich #Leaders #Leadership #Managers#Businessowners #Attitude #AndrewCarnegie #EarlNightingale #Thinkingintoresults #BobProctor#Goals #Actions #Mauritius