5 things that could invalidate your travel insurance



The 2019 Rugby World Cup is now in full flow, however, a specialist solicitor is warning sports fans to check their travel insurance policy before travelling out to Japan.

Research by Hudgell Solicitors has found that a third (33%) of Brits opt to buy the cheapest travel insurance policy possible to make their holiday cheaper.

Commenting on the results, Paul McClorry, Head of Travel Litigation at Hudgell Solicitors, said: “Failing to take out the correct travel insurance for the Rugby World Cup could be a costly mistake. It’s essential to check the terms and conditions and make sure your policy is suitable for the trip and activities which you’ll enjoy.

“Don’t just settle for the cheapest or most basic package. Take out an appropriate level of cover to help meet the costs should any medical expenses be incurred. Otherwise, you may find the insurance does not offer the protection you expected should you be unfortunate enough to cause or suffer an accident or injury abroad. Or you may only be covered up to a certain amount.”

5 things that could invalidate your travel insurance:

  1. Alcohol
    It will be very tempting for many rugby fans to enjoy a drink, hopefully after an England win, but it’s important to remember that excessive consumption of alcohol could lead to incidents not covered by your travel insurance. If you end up in hospital after too much alcohol, you could end up out of pocket for any treatment you have to pay for.”
  2. Vaccinations
    “Usually, a travel insurance policy will only cover you providing you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your health before going away, including ensuring your vaccinations are up to date. If you’re due to fly out in the next few weeks, there’s still time to speak to your doctor and check they are in order. Your policy could be invalidated if they’re not.”
  3. Sports and activities
    “There are a whole host of things that fans can do to entertain themselves in Japan between games, including extreme sports like white water rafting and mountain biking. Before taking part in any sort of activity like this, it’s extremely important to check your policy covers you for this. If it doesn’t and you get injured, you could end up with a big medical bill.”
  4. Police reports
    If the unthinkable happens and you are the victim of theft on your trip to Japan, it’s extremely important to speak to the local police in order to get a crime report, usually within 24 hours of the incident taking place. You’ll also need to inform your travel insurance provider, or you could end up not being covered for any stolen items.
  5. Pre-existing medical conditions
    Before you travel to Japan, double check your policy to ensure you’ve disclosed all existing medical conditions. Travel insurance providers require you to inform them of any illnesses or conditions you currently have in order to be able to cover you. If you think there is something missing from your policy that should be on there, speak to your provider before you travel.


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