40% of holidaymakers priced out of their ‘dream holiday’



A survey of over 200 UK holidaymakers by Holiday Hypermarket has revealed that over 40% of those surveyed had yet to visit their dream holiday destination.

Of those still waiting to live the dream, 85% said that ‘cost’ is the main reason they had not yet ticked off their dream holiday destination from their bucket list. Family commitments and work commitments trailed way behind at 5% and 4%, respectively. Overcoming the financial hurdle of a dream holiday is consistent with the fact that one in five chose The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, as their dream destination.

The Maldives is often revered as an exotic tropical paradise, popular with honeymooners, where visitors are waited on hand and foot while they relax on white sand beaches next to the most Instagram-friendly turquoise water imaginable. The Maldives came way out in front in the survey of dream destinations, ahead of second-placed Australia, which was named by 6.7% of respondents as the place they would most like to go. Of the 60% that said they had already enjoyed their ‘dream holiday’, the destinations visited included The Canary Islands, Greece, Mexico and Turkey.

Calum Macdonald, eCommerce manager for Holiday Hypermarket said, “The Maldives is a beautiful location, so we weren’t too surprised it topped the list of dream destinations, but there are other, equally beautiful destinations to choose from that may have more ‘bang for buck’.” Mexico for example has some absolutely incredible beach-front hotels with perfect beaches and some of the best service you will find anywhere in the world, which can be snapped up at half the cost of The Maldives, he added.

With additional discounts now applied across all TUI and First Choice holidays throughout the summer, Holiday Hypermarket is stepping up to make dream holidays more of a reality.


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