1st February 1835: Abolition of Slavery Day in Mauritius It is said that on thi…



1st February 1835: Abolition of Slavery Day in Mauritius

It is said that on this day members of the british army started to climb the mountain Le Morne Brabant with the intention of telling the slaves staying there that they were free.
Unfortunately, due to a massive distrust of the authorities (technically their captors), the slaves immediately thought the army had been sent to recapture them and chose to jump to their deaths instead of risk recapture—they chose death over slavery.
Today, child and adult slavery and forced labour are illegal in almost all countries, as well as being against international law, but a high rate of human trafficking for labour and for sexual bondage continues to affect an estimated 27 million people worldwide.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
-Article 4, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#abolitionist #abolitiondelesclavage #lemorne #lemornebrabant #freedom
#freedomwriters #freedomthinkers #freedomfestival #mauritius



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