01.02.19 QOTD: Should we talk about February resolutions? Okay, let me know whic…



QOTD: Should we talk about February resolutions? Okay, let me know which book(s) you’re planning to read in February.
A: No darling. But well, I do have some reading resolutions and I will be reading these books: Frankenstein, Moby Dick, Antéchrista, Americanah, and any 5 penguin little black classics. Voilà, c’est ce que j’ai décidé à lire pendant le mois de février.

Yaay! We lived (and survived) the first month of 2019! I hope that you all learnt at least something good, got rid of toxic food and people, read a lot, and loved yourself.

Here I am, in this photo, sitting like a witch with my books. I’ve never been more beautiful than this, I swear.

Some ages ago, @khulogophile_reads tagged me to do the #cozybookclub tag. I thank you for tagging me and I’m tagging some of you #bookstagrammers to continue with it. Feel free to do it via a story if not a post.
》Favourite hot drink: cappuccino (leaving black coffee behind these days).
》Favourite thing to wear: Denim jeans – yes I love them!
》Favourite time to read: during the day and while traveling by bus.
》A book you would recommend: To Kill a Mockingbird.

Damn, it’s been a while since I wrote a long caption. Have a great and healthy month ahead people! I LOVE YOU (all).

#bookstagram #januaryreading #februaryreads #bookish #whatiamreading #igreads #mauritianreader #mauritius #readersofinstagram #bookishfeature #bibliophile #penguinlittleblackclassics #classics #readingchallenge



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